Here's a big shout-out to our farm neighbors Tyler and Brittany, for coming to help finish our epic "burr-bashing" project in the south pasture yesterday in the rain! They each drive a mean pair of farm shears, let me tell you. The giant burrs didn't stand a chance.
And here's a glimpse of Baby Flo, who we "yak napped" from the farm last night to give her mama, Baby Jane, a breather. Flo will be living at the Williams homestead this summer. Welcome, Flo.
It is always exciting to have a new calf born on the farm.
This is Baby Jane's very first calf.
And as Baby Jane is a bottle-fed yak, one of our friendliest, she is happy to have us come right up to her baby and get acquainted. We've never been able to get this close to a calf before without the mama putting up a fight.